React.js- Prerequisite before learning react.js — L2

2 min readOct 9, 2022



Just a little bit of HTML , CSS are prerequisite for learning React . And I know , you have already some knowledge of HTML.

CSS , We are not going to play with color-pallete and alignment . I will discuss about how we can add CSS and define styles for components in the react.js Structure .

Please go through to this for HTML →

For the CSS →

When I was learning the react.js , I started with javascript. And the main question , Is it required to know javascript for the react.js? I personally recommand you ,if you want to be

1: Frontend — Developer → Learn Javascript

2: Full-stack Developer ( MEAN , MERN) → Learn Javascript basics

Pull-stack Developer → You can search in github .Kiddin ..😂

And we are learning React.js to be Frontend Developer . So we have to learn javascript .

For the full- stack developer →


Just look at this , this look like mixture of javscript and HTML.

JSX looks like HTML ,after compilation it is converted as Javascript through Babel . Look the compiled version of above mentioned code.

const App = () => {
const now = new Date()
const a = 10
const b = 20
return React.createElement(
'p', null, 'Hello world, it is ', now.toString()
'p', null, a, ' plus ', b, ' is ', a + b

JSX may remind you of a template language, but it comes with the full power of JavaScript. We will learn more about this in next readings , how the javascript is working with HTML .

There is one website which converts HTML to JSX . You can use it after learning the React .js Series.

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Hi, I'm a software engineer with a passion for writing about programming languages, particularly Python and JavaScript.