React.js Installation and errors occuring at the time of installation — L3

3 min readOct 10, 2022


React.js depends on Node and Node package manager to notifiy the packages used in your web-app . And basically Node uses node package manager to install all new updates and packages.

Common questions ->

What is the purpose of npm?

I know you would say that , installing the packages and updates is only work of NPM . I would like present a scenario , Let’s think you are building a very big project . Your project depends upon around 100+ packages and you have shared project to a friend to install in his system . So how would he know that what are dependencies you are using to run this project ? So here is role of Node package Manager .

Can I run React without Node?

Yes , It’s possible . You have used in HTML .

document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = “Hello JavaScript!”;

Same you can insert the React and React-dom script tags in the head section of your HTML page.

<script src="" crossorigin></script> 
<script src="" crossorigin></script>

Now let’s install the node and npm , so we can use it for further readings .

Install Node.js and NPM on Windows

Go to

Click the Windows Installer button to download the latest default version.

Once the downloading is completed and now you know you just have to launch it , don’t change any default settings and just install.

Congratulations if it is working . If not ,leave a comment , I will surely resolve your issue and conclude in the article .

Now if it is installed , how I can verify it’s working or not . So I have to check by using this

node -v 
npm -v

It will show us the version of node and npm .

Now for installing react in some project , you can use Create-react-app. Create-react -app sets up a environment for the developement and optimise app for production.

npx create-react-app firstapp
cd firstapp
npm start

Now your React.js application is running .

Run Succesful.

If any error occured during this setup. Please write in the comment .I will try to resolve soon and conclude in this article .

Thanks for reading this content . If you loved this, try to add in reading list.




Written by JavascriptMaster

Hi, I'm a software engineer with a passion for writing about programming languages, particularly Python and JavaScript.

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